iManage to M-Files Connector

iManage is a provider of document management and AI-driven knowledge work solutions for law firms, corporate legal departments, financial services, and other professional service organizations. When integrated with the M-Files Platform and M-Files Plugin for Hubshare, the Nikec Connector for iManage enables users to create Hubs directly from iManage and sync folders with files seamlessly from within the workspace.

Publisher: Nikec Solutions

Product Description

What benefits does the connector offer to customers

Users can create Hubs in iManage, and once folder sync is set up, all existing files in the folder, as well as any new files added later, will automatically appear in the Hub. This process is seamlessly managed within the familiar iManage platform.

What are the benefits of the M-Files Platform

Since customers will be using the M-Files Platform to store and share their files, they can also take advantage of its additional features and capabilities.

  • Workflows – The M-Files workflows let you model document lifecycles to real world processes.
  • Aino – M-Files Aino is a natural language assistant in M-Files to help users find information, work with information, and automate tasks.
  • Integration with e-signing platforms like DocuSign Adobe Sign and Visma Sign.
  • M-Files Ment – M-Files Ment is a next-generation document automation tool that helps seamlessly generate complex, data-driven documents quickly and consistently.
  • M-Files Hubshare – M-Files Hubshare provides a secure information exchange portal for collaborate work solutions, file sharing, and project management between users and clients.

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Purchase Required - Contact Publisher for Licensing Information


Contact Information

Sales and More Information
Contact Name Andy Johnson
Email Address
Phone +44 (0)7943 808383
Technical Support

Support Email
Support Site
Support Phone +44 (0)207 621 2350

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:



 Contact M-Files

Supported Languages English
Regional Availability Central & Eastern Europe, India, Middle East & Africa, Latin America, United States & Canada, Western Europe
