M-Files Property Calculator

M-Files Property Calculator adds capabilities for creating rule-based object operations logic into a vault. It can calculate property values automatically in various ways, validate values in specific situations and create new objects.

Product Description

Reduce the need for writing custom scripts and vault applications to meet the business needs for metadata logic. M-Files Property Calculator can be configured to run calculation rules in specific check-in situations and the calculation rules can be chained to implement advanced logic.

  • Calculate expressions
  • Set static values and remove properties
  • Convert and count dates and periods
  • Filter, order and pick lookups
  • Search for objects
  • Create new objects
  • Extract data from the object history
  • Property value and value list item validation

M-Files Property Calculator originates as an unofficial community tool but is officially supported from the version 24.4.52 onwards. M-Files Property Calculator requires M-Files server version of 23.6 or later to run.

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description
 Installing, Configuring, and Using M-Files Property Calculator Configuration Guide for M-Files Property Calculator
 Release Notes - M-Files Property Calculator Release Notes

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Free


Version Description M-Files Version Support
 ;24.4.52 M-Files Property Calculator 24.4.52 SIGNED

M-Files Server 23.6 and later

Contact Information

Website https://www.m-files.com
Sales and More Information
Contact Name M-Files Sales
Email Address Contact Us - Worldwide Offices / M-Files
Phone US: 1-972-516-4210 Finland: +358 3 3138 7500
Technical Support

Support Email Use Support Site details
Support Site https://www.m-files.com/en/contact-support
Support Phone

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:




Supported Languages English
Regional Availability Global
