AncoraDocs Invoices
Invoice processing software has successfully reduced the cost of processing at large organizations that could afford it. But, what about the rest of us? Now, even small and mid-sized companies with moderate volumes of invoices can enjoy accuracy, cost savings, and work efficiency.
Product Description
With AncoraDocs Invoices, available on-site or in the cloud, you don’t need to set up any applications or forms! You simply scan the invoices, and verify the data. That’s it! Your data will be even more accurate than had you typed it in yourself manually.
AncoraDocs Invoices is priced to suit the budget of users with monthly invoice volumes of 500 or more per month. No other software offers more performance at such a great price. With AncoraDocs Invoices you reduce the cost of data entry from paper, have the data available faster, and increase data accuracy. The real benefits to your business are tangible – cost reduction – but also operational and perceived – improved customer service, management control and accountability.
AncoraDocs Invoices utilizes advance scanning, image processing, page layout reading, recognition, and other technologies designed to automate and provide the ultimate in user simplicity in invoice data entry for small to medium sized businesses, regardless of the accounting software they use.
Ancora Software develops Advanced Capture Solutions that provide automation of unstructured and semi-structured documents/forms. AncoraDocs with M-Files is a complete automated invoice-processing solution. Using Ancora’s Advanced Data Capture integrated with M-Files your customers can automatically capture summary or line item detail from any invoice and send to workflow within M-Files for Invoice approval and GL coding.
Documentation and Additional Information
Download Link | Description |
Licensing and Downloads
Licence Type | Purchase Required - Contact Publisher for Licensing Information |
Contact Information
Website | |
Sales and More Information
Contact Name | Nick Bova |
Email Address | |
Phone | 614-496-6688 |
Technical Support
Support Email | |
Support Site | |
Support Phone | +1.844.626.2672 |
Product Specifications
Supported Environments |
Customer Environment: M-Files Standard Cloud: M-Files Isolated Cloud: |
Yes No Contact M-Files |
Supported Languages | English |
Regional Availability | Global |