M-Files Aino

M-Files Aino is a natural language assistant in M-Files to help users find information, work with information, and automate tasks. M-⁠Files Aino takes knowledge work productivity to a new level by placing your organization’s knowledge base at your fingertips.


Product Description

M-Files Aino enables you to become more efficient and effective by giving you easy access to the information you need.

You can ask M-Files Aino to:

  • Summarize a document, regardless of the language,
  • Translate the summary to another language,
  • Find answers from a document, regardless of the language, and
  • Save the summaries and answers as metadata.

Your chats with M-Files Aino are automatically saved and can be reviewed at any time from your chat history.

With M-Files Aino 24.6 release, you can also:

  • Find answers from anywhere in a vault,
  • Find answers related to your current context, like within a search, or within a view, or related to a business object, and
  • Make use of M-Files Aino’s specialized cognitive skills, specifically with math and calendar logic.

For more information about M-Files AI-driven automation: https://www.m-files.com/solutions/artificial-intelligence/

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description
 M-Files Aino - Getting Started M-Files Aino installation guide
 M-Files Aino - Administrator Guide Learn how to manage M-Files Aino
 M-Files Aino - FAQ Additional information about M-Files Aino
 M-Files Aino - Security and Data Protection Features Learn about how M-Files Aino keeps your data safe
 M-Files Aino - Webinar M-Files in Action: Learn about the integral role Generative AI plays in knowledge work automation

Notes about Language Support

M-Files Aino can understand documents and interact with users in most any language.

M-Files Aino’s user interface is available in all languages supported by each the desktop and web. For a complete list see the M-Files User Guide: Language Versions of the M-Files Software.

The administration interface for M-Files Aino is available in English only.

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Included with M-Files Business Subscription


Version Description M-Files Version Support
 ;24.8.0 M-Files Aino

M-Files 24.6 and later.

Contact Information

Website https://www.m-files.com/
Sales and More Information
Contact Name M-Files Sales
Email Address Contact Us - Worldwide Offices / M-Files
Phone US: 1-972-516-4210 Finland: +358 3 3138 7500
Technical Support

Support Email Use Support Site details
Support Site https://www.m-files.com/en/contact-support
Support Phone

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:




Supported Languages See notes about language support under Documentation and Additional Information.
Regional Availability Global
