PentagonAssistant DWG Processor

Customers with DWG files often need to edit drawing title blocks as part of a workflow. For example a drawing might need the revision changed from ‘B’ to ‘C’ or the initials of an approver added. The DWG processor allows you to do this by synchronising metadata to the ‘attributes’ in AutoCAD title blocks and then optionally print them to PDF.

Publisher: Pentagon Solutions

Product Description

The drawings can be processed on the M-Files server without the need to have AutoCAD installed either on client workstations or the M-Files server. The application allows users to automatically or manually perform the following operations from an M-Files client.
Automate the processing of DWG files as part of a workflow
Synchronise M-Files properties to AutoCAD Attributes to edit title blocks using Get and Set functions
Bind External References (Xrefs) to create a self-contained drawing for distribution
Generate PDF renditions of drawings directly from the server
As these operations are all carried out on the M-Files server, automated usage is fully compatible with the M-Files Desktop, Web and Mobile client applications.

Use the tool to:

  •  import DWG’s from other systems
  • convert DWGs to PDF
  • modify DWGs via a workflow e.g. change the title block

For more details including API documentation and a video covering and example usage visit:




Documentation and Additional Information

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Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Purchase Required - Contact Publisher for Licensing Information


Contact Information

Sales and More Information
Contact Name Pentagon Solutions Sales Team
Email Address Pentagon Solutions sales
Phone +44 (0) 2890 455355
Technical Support

Support Email Pentagon Solutions support
Support Site
Support Phone +44 (0) 2890 455355

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:



 Contact M-Files

Supported Languages English
Regional Availability Global
