ISI OCR applies M-Files built-in OCR to all “image-only” or scanned PDF documents, converting them into searchable PDFs.

Publisher: Elit Solutions

Product Description

ISI OCR lists “image-only” or scanned PDF documents according to the frequency desired by users.
ISI OCR applies M-Files built-in OCR to all listed documents, converting them into searchable PDFs.

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Purchase Required - Contact Publisher for Licensing Information


Contact Information

Sales and More Information
Contact Name ISI OCR
Email Address Elit Solutions sales
Phone +33 4 67 76 13 10
Technical Support

Support Email Elit Solutions support
Support Site
Support Phone +33 4 67 76 13 10

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:



 Contact M-Files

Supported Languages French, English
Regional Availability Central & Eastern Europe, Western Europe
