Soluma WebScan

Soluma WebScan offers a suite of powerful features, including seamless editing and scanning of documents within the M-Files environment, simplifying importing with multifunction device connectivity, and ensuring consistent metadata input for enhanced organization. Tailored for departments handling extensive document management tasks in areas such as accounting, law, and manufacturing, it streamlines workflows and boosts productivity. Designed for the Windows platform, its intuitive interface ensures smooth navigation and quick adoption, making it an indispensable tool for busy professionals seeking efficiency in document management.

Publisher: Soluma d.o.o

Product Description

  1. Soluma WebScan is an innovative application tailored for departments inundated with document management tasks, including accounting, law, manufacturing, and more. Application acts as a powerful add-on to M-Files, expanding its capabilities within the system. It enables users to seamlessly edit and organize existing documents within M-Files and facilitates the importation of documents by connecting multifunction devices for scanning directly through the WebScan interface. This integration enhances document management efficiency and flexibility within the M-Files environment.Soluma WebScan is tailored for the Windows platform, guaranteeing compatibility and peak performance on a range of Windows-based devices. Its sleek, intuitive interface provides a seamless user experience, enabling users to swiftly grasp its functionalities and boost productivity with minimal training. Experience effortless integration with the M-Files environment as Soluma WebScan seamlessly blends into your workflow, facilitating document scanning and editing without the need to switch between multiple applications.Key Features:
    1. Editing and Scanning Documents: Effortlessly edit and scan documents directly within the M-Files environment using Soluma WebScan. Enhance productivity by eliminating the need to switch between multiple applications.
    2. Classifying and Sorting Incoming Post: Seamlessly classify and sort incoming mail or documents within M-Files with the intuitive features of Soluma WebScan. Streamline document organization processes for increased efficiency.
    3. Importing Documents: Simplify document importation by connecting multifunction devices to Soluma WebScan. Easily import documents directly into M-Files, reducing manual input.
    4. Forced Metadata Input: Ensure consistent metadata input for documents by utilizing Soluma WebScan’s forced metadata input feature. Maintain data integrity and enhance searchability within the M-Files system.
    5. Enhanced Security and Traceability: By keeping document operations within the M-Files DMS ecosystem, Soluma WebScan ensures enhanced security and complete traceability. Organizations can maintain compliance with regulatory standards while safeguarding data integrity.

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description
 Video Soluma Webscan video
 Usage Instructions Usage Instructions
 Documentation Minimum requirements
 Documentation Integration instructions

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Purchase Required - Contact Publisher for Licensing Information


Version Description M-Files Version Support

Contact Information

Sales and More Information
Contact Name Mojca Špajzar Dimec
Email Address
Technical Support

Support Email
Support Site
Support Phone

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:



 Contact M-Files

Supported Languages Bosnian, Croatian, English, Montenegrin, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish
Regional Availability Central & Eastern Europe, Western Europe
