M-Files Ment Integration

M-Files Ment is an industry-leading document automation and generation tool.  This integration adds a command button to your M-Files clients, making it easy for your users to start their document automation processes from within M-Files.

Product Description

  • Connecting your M-Files Ment instance to your M-Files vault significantly improves the productivity of knowledge workers by minimizing the amount of information that needs to be typed, and by ensuring that your generated documents are quickly and accurately made available within your vault.
  • Questions can be powered by information (e.g. clients) within the M-Files vault, and completed documents are automatically assigned appropriate metadata before being saved.
  • This vault application extends that functionality by additionally adding a command button to the M-Files Desktop and M-Files clients, allowing users to simply click the command button to open the Ment interface.

Note: This free of charge vault application requires a valid M-Files Ment, and M-Files license to function.

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description
 Screen shot (version M-Files Ment Integration screenshot (version
 Screen shot (version 23.12.25) M-Files Ment Integration screenshot (version 23.12.25)

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Included with M-Files Base, Team and Business Subscriptions


Version Description M-Files Version Support
 ;Version Version - signed

M-Files v22.5 or higher

Version Description M-Files Version Support
 ;Version 23.12.25 Version 23.12.25 - signed

M-Files v22.5 or higher

Contact Information

Website https://www.m-files.com
Sales and More Information
Contact Name M-Files Sales
Email Address Contact Us - Worldwide Offices / M-Files
Phone US: 1-972-516-4210 Finland: +358 3 3138 7500
Technical Support

Support Email Use Support Site details
Support Site https://www.m-files.com/en/contact-support
Support Phone

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:




Supported Languages English
Regional Availability Global
