AutoRecords for M-Files

Enterprise records management is easy to add to any vault with AutoRecords.  With this modern records management solution, your file plan and policies are represented as M-Files objects which are used to automatically ensure retention compliance across the entire vault.  Records managers will appreciate the ability to configure policies that respond to time based events and changes to property values along with the flexibility to have approvals as part of the process or allow fully automated processing of both electronic and physical records.  Documents and physical records can even have retention based on relationships to other objects in your vault (i.e. Projects, Employees and Clients).  Gain full visibility to upcoming events and legal holds the way you want to see them using standard M-Files features and, most importantly, rest easy knowing that every action is recorded when it comes time for audits.

Publisher: Team IM

Product Description

Records Management and compliance in M-Files is easy and intuitive with the AutoRecords plug-in.  This powerful and automated approach to records management delivers a comprehensive solution for M-Files, which can also be extended to SharePoint and Network Shares through M-Files connectors to provide a comprehensive enterprise wide records management solution.  A few key features include:


  • Automated Policy Assignment – Documents and non-document objects are automatically assigned to the correct retention policy without any intervention by records managers or end users.
  • Automated Retention – Retention actions can be carried out automatically with no intervention or approval required.
  • Relational Policies – Retention can also leverage M-Files object relationships.  This provides records managers with the ability to define policies for non-document objects such as projects, deals and clients which specify how documents related to those objects should be managed.
  • Workflow Independent – Existing business workflows are not impacted when implementing records management.  No workflow changes are needed, and no scripting is necessary.  Everything comes pre-built and ready for a records manager to tailor without any scripts or workflows.
  • Compliance Ready – The audit ready architecture ensures that all actions are captured and available for download or through reporting.
  • Fully Customizable – Built from the ground up for M-Files, the solution provides the ability to customize features including building custom retention actions such as “Delete Document and Remove Associated Records From Finance Software.”  There are literally no limits to what can be done as part of the retention process.


For more information, please contact M-Files Sales (see Contact Information). 

Documentation and Additional Information

Download Link Description
 Video Records Management Overview & Sample Videos (Playlist)
 Online Documentation Online documentation, samples, best practices and release notes.
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 1 Records Manager Views
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 2 Policy For Non-Document Objects – Determines what classes of objects with qualifying properties (triggers) to include in the policy
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 3 Retention Category – Determines what disposition events to schedule
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 4 Event Template – Determines after what ‘triggers’ or causes the retention calculation to start, how long to wait and what to do
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 5 Hold – determines when to start and stop a hold which prevents disposition actions from occurring
 AutoRecords - Screenshot 6 Scheduled Event – Shows what disposition actions will happen and when. Files and objects are linked to the event

Licensing and Downloads

Licence Type Purchase Required - Contact M-Files or Your M-Files Reseller for Licensing Information


Version Description M-Files Version Support
 ;AutoRecords Download Latest AutoRecords version, file plan template, sample vault and other records management resources

Contact Information

Sales and More Information
Contact Name M-Files Sales
Email Address
Phone US: 1-972-516-4210 Finland: +358 3 3138 7500
Technical Support

Support Email
Support Site
Support Phone In North America: 1 (800) 224-4074 In Europe: +358 3 3138 7599 (Finland) +44 330 122 8358 (UK) +33 (0)170615821 (France) +49 3222 109 2805 (Germany) In Australia: +61 290 984 702

Product Specifications

Supported Environments

Customer Environment:

M-Files Standard Cloud:

M-Files Isolated Cloud:




Supported Languages English
Regional Availability Global
